Thursday, September 27, 2012

Autumn in the Country

Hello all! I hope you are embracing Autumn it is probably my favourite season, my birthday is in this month,
 I love the sky at this time of year, the golden hazy sunsets with a bite in the evening air, it is a nostalgic month and so much so in the countryside.
The children have been filling up baskets in the ancient orchard in front of our cottage, Pixie and Willow the naughtiest pigs in the west are enjoying the wind fallen apples.

So it is evenings tucked up by the fire and I have to say I am loving Downton Abbey so gorgeous, all that upstairs downstairs glory on television. So all the best for now.


  1. I love the Autumn too.Everything seems to settle down's a very mellow month October.Love the chilly misty mornings and the cosy nights in by the telly.Oh yes..hoorah for Downton! :0)

  2. DENISE! I have missed you, but I suppose you have been extremely busy; too busy to post! Yes, I have to admit that is my favorite season for all the aromas, flavors, colors and cozy moments! LOVE THOSE WELLIES!

    Enjoy a fantastic day! Anita

  3. Oh sweet friend, how nice of you to visit me with such lovely words! It is so crisp and cool at this moment; I think I am going to make myself a cup of tea and ENJOY this fantastic moment. LOVE! Anita

  4. Its not my favorite time of year as my Mom just died and I hate the holidays as I have no other family. Fall for me means hiding from well intended friends who want me to do the fake happy family routine and finding somewhere quiet to travel to and enjoy sightsee,activites, shopping and fine restaurants so I am to busy to miss my Mom any more then I already do. I love the colors of fall as a photographer. And who does not love wearing jeans and sweaters instead of shorts!The photos here are beauitful and I like the fall oriented photo.

    1. Hi Lexie
      You poor thing I am so sorry you have lost your Mom, it is a really tough road ahead of you but hold onto those well intentioned friends you will need them so much
      The loss is always there but the pain does ease in time
      Be good to yourself

  5. I just love Autumn too, gorgeous colours and the air is cooling :) lovely photos as always sweetie :)

    Bee happy x

  6. Very stunning. One of my dreams is to build a house that have a dry leafs same a there! :)

    Amish Portable Storage
